Why NYM VPN will change the concept of VPN in Russian

Why NYM VPN will change the concept of VPN in Russian https://forum.nymtech.net/uploads/default/original/1X/c03e881cdf736ec9c6161bf56c07d2d4fd3e7a53.jpeg
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Hello, I decided to write an article about NymVPN in Russian


Hi, nice work. I also think that if you wiil have a series of works, it’s better to publish them in one thread, so that it will be easier to count the works later) I think once a week or once a month will be fine)

That is, collect content into one topic and post all the links at once, for example once a month? How will the calculation be done if for each created topic you need to specify a tag, and the content is different?

you have a task to create content under one tag, and everything else is a separate job, that’s what I meant

Can I just edit this topic and add my new works here?


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