Report on the Creation of a Telegram Bot for NYM

Report on the Creation of a Telegram Bot for NYM
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The primary goal of developing this bot is to ensure automatic notifications to members of the Telegram community about new live streams on the NYM company’s YouTube channel. This will help attract more participants to watch live streams, thereby increasing engagement and activity within the community.

Bot Functionality Description

  1. YouTube Live Stream Checking: The bot regularly checks for new live streams on the specified YouTube channel. This check occurs every minute, allowing for timely detection of new streams.

  2. Automatic Notifications: If the bot detects a new live stream, it automatically sends a message to the general Telegram chat. The message contains a link to the stream and a short description, helping users quickly join and watch.

  3. Logging: The bot uses Serilog for detailed logging of all events. This makes it easy to monitor the bot’s operation and identify potential issues.

Technical Implementation

Programming Language: C# (.NET)

Telegram API: The bot uses the Telegram.Bot API to interact with Telegram.

YouTube API: The bot is integrated with YouTube Data API v3 to retrieve information about live streams.

Logging System: Serilog is used for logging.

Benefits for the Community

The implementation of this bot significantly increases the awareness of community members about important events, such as live streams. Participants receive timely notifications directly in Telegram, making the process of receiving information more convenient and interactive. With this bot, NYM will be able to attract more viewers to its live streams, fostering greater community involvement and better awareness of the company’s activities.


Did I miss something interesting? :nerd_face:

nothing significant. as usual, I write first and then read a post) but you gave me the idea to write a node monitoring bot. as far as the telegram interface allows

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Keep us updated with your work, this is the forum to share and improve your products)

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Certainly. I’ll try to finish a more or less workable version by the end of the weekend. Wouldn’t it be impudent if I asked you to test it? Of course I will post the source on GitHub

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I can test it without GitHub)